Saturday, February 10, 2007

Waste reduction challenge

Our main waste problem is food packaging. We use calico bags for grocery shopping and I recycle all the cardboard and paper that comes with the shopping but there seems to be so much of it. In the winter I use the cardboard to help get the fire started but in the summer months it is overwhelming. I keep paper like butchers paper to drain oily food on and notices from school and the like are clipped together to be used as a message pad by the phone.

Plastics are a big problem. They just go out in the rubbish. I try to buy things with minimal packaging but there is still too much. Our milk comes in plastic bottles , they can be recycled but with a family of 5 we go through a lot of milk.

So the challenge for our family is to cut down on food packaging.


Emme said...

This is something that DH and I have been discussing as well! I mentioned to him that food that is packaged costs more than food in bulk. he likes the money saving notion of bulk foods :)

Carolyn said...

I was going to mention buying in bulk to cut down on packaging for my goals, too, but I forgot! Part of our problem is that the natural food store, where I get my bulk purchases, is out of our way. It's rare that we need a whole lot of bulk purchases at a time, and I hate to make a special trip. For the first time ever I had several to get this month! It was so nice to get them all at once! I even got to give a guy a crocheted grocery bag, too!

Kelli said...

It's frightful how much packaging we use! How to cut down? Many consumer products these days seem have more packaging that actual goods!

tinuvielp said...

Love the calico cotton bag idea. Used to work at a grocery collective & I remember a customer who brought in muslin drawstring bags for grains & other bulk items. Do you worry about a 'tare' weight? Or just weigh it all together & not worry about it?

Sooo glad to find this blog.